Tuesday, June 29, 2010


when traveling think of what you'll be doing, what the weather's like, and how long you'll be staying there. if you're going to a special event remember to pack a fancy outfit (a skirt dress or dress pants and a good looking shirt). If you're going to amusement parks you should pack flip flops and/or a pair of sneakers. (depending on whether or not you like being barefoot on roller coasters). think of where you'll go if you go out to eat and dress accordingly. if you're staying in a place for three weeks or more pack 5-8 outfits and then wash them once a week. no matter where you're going remember to wear comfortable clothes. remember the essentials in you're suitcase.

I know that sometimes packing my bag is the hardest part. especially on those longer trips. I struggle with what I really want to bring with me. always keep in mind what you'll be doing.you can work with the weather no matter what you bring, but you can't make ripped jeans, shorts, t-shirts, and wife-beaters look fancy.pack entertainment for you're trip, books, dolls, music,or maybe just a laptop with everything on it. if you're missing school bring your school work to do on the airplane, or car ride.try not to over pack with things to do. pack the essentials(hair brush, higen essentials, make up, hair products, etc.) then pack your clothes, then your entertainment. if worse comes to worse you do the unthinkable SOCIALIZE *gasp* I said it. oh woe is me I would bite my tongue but *places hand on forehead dramatically* I love to socialize.

to make the trip go smoothly talk to people. make PLEASANT conversation.don't lock yourself up, don't try to be the little tag along, it's annoying, boring, and unappealing. express your opinion but don't make it so that you're daring people to object. your opinion is NOT fact. your are NOT all knowing. your are NOT perfect and you ARE going to make mistakes.

other than that, have a fun trip, enjoy the different atmosphere, and who knows you might find 'the one' where you are.


Monday, June 28, 2010


I will use this blog as an open journal to seekers of ansewrs and askers of questtions. I want to make this to help me get through mine and you get through your life, together we will be UNSTOPPABLE. ok well maybe not but it's fun to say n think bout yes???
