Friday, September 17, 2010

to cope with yourself

I often find myself trying to find a way to express myself without flat out saying what ever it is I want to be heard. seems insane doesn't it? don't deny it, it's true. it doesn't make sense. but I find that listening to music often gives you an underlying meaning yes? It says something you wont hear unless you spend days or even years listening to the same song over and over again.

ok that was a rather random intro but the point I was making was, find a way to express yourself, whether it be listening, playing, or writing music, or if it has nothing to do with music, don't neglect it. even if its role playing. do it. have fun with it. let go. be crazy.

everybody needs to be who they want to be.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

who am I?

when life gives you lemons make apple juice. literally.

when someone asks why do you... how do you respond:
I don't know. I just do
It's habit.

why not say:
because it's who I am. if you don't like it then let me alone.

well you see when people respond like that they feel they're being mean, but in all technicality it's true isn't it? if you do something it's because its some how connected to who you are yes? why do we worry so much about whether or not people find us mean? why don't we just say screw it all?

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Life's uncertianties.

what if They aren't loyal?
What if they don't like the way I dress?
What if they don't like this, what if they prefer that.
What if, What if, What if.

Since when is life made from 'If's? When did life become a question of self being? Why do we second guess who we are for someone else? Why do we try to be something we're not?

Shouldn't they love us for who we are? shouldn't they accept us without second guesses? Why do we live life trying to impress someone temporarily?

Why not try to be who YOU want to be? Why not be yourself? Why not let go? Why not get an attitude?

why not be you?